stut hi i would like to ask how long it takes to retrieve the wifi password from the command "crunch 8 10 abdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 | aircrack-ng -b -w-"? besides is there any other way to quickly retrieve the password? thanks
lastname nice question, but it will depends on your machine, if you have workstation it'll faster but if you only have a intel celeron / dual core don't hope much you can use third party or use some social engineering like evil-twin or else
stut thanks. I am using Intel Pentium P6200. how long does it take to unlock the password? Is it still possible or not?
lastname you can try run aircrack-ng -S to check your wpa hashes per second, then do the math with the total size wordlist genrated from crunch
stut I have the cap file. may i ask you to do it in order to get a password?if not then i will try with other devices
jeffanzos stut We believe that u can do it with yourself. If your device is not compatible, u can buy a device like eviltwin/wifi jammer. You can create a devices by yourself with buy a nodeMCU. Firstly googling how to do it with the keyword "nodemcu evil twin"